August 23, 2011

Gembira dalam Sedih

Now I feel relieved....

I can now really say GOODBYE to my beloved BPC ( Badan Pertolongan Cemas)..


The answer is NO MORE BPC next sem.. Yippi!!! Feel like jumping!!!! I'm crazy...

Ekceli bukan Aina x suka BPC.. Awal2 dulu for me BPC is best coz I can see the bond between the members.. We are like a FAMILY.. But.. now.. Everything had changed.. Some people seems do not respect each other.. So.. Aina pon rasa cam malas dah nk join.. Dah x happening dah.. Plus the seniors like CP Ain.. CP Siti and the rest dah x de.. So.. cam ade 'something was not  rite there'... jauh d sudut hati memang best coz blh duk bawah ketiak abah bila masok BPC.. wakaka.... (anak manja tol!)

Dear BPC...
Sorry for this entry..
Sekadar menyuarakan opinion since ...
I'm following you from  past until now.. 

3 words by you:

lanvaldear90 said...

adeh..tetibe rase bangga lak sbb ade name kite kan sini..hikhik

A simple girl said...

ting!!.. sbb kak ct mmg best!!....

AISYAH said...

sedih dalam gembira..heeeee

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